Poor little Mollie – this was a horrific attack on a defenceless kitten and it cannot happen again. How anyone could do this is too much for most of us to think about but someone out there has done this.

It must have been devastating for Paul and Yasmin Edwards to see their beloved pet like this, not only having the panic of getting home to find she has got out, but to see her hurt in such a violent way.

It must have been so painful for little Mollie too.

Whoever has done this we hope that they never hurt another animal again and should certainly be ashamed of themselves.

We would urge all pet owners to please keep an eye out and make sure they are safe - something which we know is easier said than done with cats.

Paul and Yasmin Edwards returned home the other day to find their 4 month old kitten Mollie, had had part of her ear missing. They took her to the emergency vets and thought she had been attacked by another animal but were horrified to discover that the ear had been cut off.
pictured is Mollie a few days after her attack
Mollie is now recovering after her ear was sliced.

Cats are natural-born explorers and often head into other people’s gardens to have a nose around , but it is a horrible thought that if they head in to the wrong place they could be deliberately hurt. So please everyone keep an eye out for our furry friends and make sure they are kept safe.

We are glad that Mollie went straight home and her owners were able to get her the help that she needed. It is also lovely to hear that Mollie is not letting this get her down and she is back to her normal and friendly self.

We would like to wish her a speedy recovery and hope that this does not happen to any other animals in Burton.

Paul and Yasmin Edwards returned home the other day to find their 4 month old kitten Mollie, had had part of her ear missing. They took her to the emergency vets and thought she had been attacked by another animal but were horrified to discover that the ear had been cut off.
Pictured Owner Paul Edwards with Mollie
Paul Edwards with his kitten Mollie is warning others after her ear was cut